

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt performs, curates and writes in the field between cultural critique, philosophy and performance. In 2009 she finished her MA in Comparative Literature and Modern Culture in Copenhagen.  In 2004 she studied at Theatre Science at FU Berlin. In 2007-08 she was a guest student at the department for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen.

From 2011 to 2015 she was artistic research associate teaching at the BA “Dance, Context, Choreography” at Inter-University of Dance in Berlin and from 2016 she is writing a Ph.D in the Dept. Arts and Cultural Studies at Copenhagen University on temporality in artistic labor as formed during education. She is, as a prologation of her research on art schools and artists at work, curating the international performance festival WORKS AT WORK  in Copenhagen in close collaboration with Ida-Elisabeth Larsen.
Cecilie is working in the Danish, German and Swiss performance scene collaborating with the performance artists Ana Berkenhoff, Matthias Meppelink, Andreas Liebmann and Boris Nikitin and the collectives Monster Truck and deufert+plischke. With Lucie Tuma she holds the artist duo named Chuck Morris.



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